Monday, April 26, 2010

Жеррардын сануулга

Эргэн ирэлтийн хаадаас дахин гайхалтай тоглолт гарч болохыг Стивен Жеррард "Атлетико Мадрид"-д сануулж байна. "Ливерпуль" нь Европын том тэмцээнд зарим итгэмээргүй comeback.аараа зартай нэгэн. 2005 оны Аваргуудын лигийн финалд "АС Милан"-д 3:0.ээр хожигдож яваад аугаа "барилт" хийж цомыг өргөхөд ахлагч Стивен Жеррард гол үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн юм.
He will also be remembered for his last-gasp goal against Olympiakos that season when Liverpool needed three goals to reach the knockout stages.
They trail Atletico 1-0 going into the Europa League semi-final second leg at Anfield.
And Gerrard said: "We need to be positive from the start.
"We want to get the fans behind us and believe we can achieve the victory.
"We've done it before so we are going to give it everything we have got.

"The players are positive about Thursday night, I can guarantee that.
"We are up for it and we need to give every bit of sweat and blood out on that pitch.
"Let's hope we can win it with two goals but if they score we have to get a third.
"We have to adapt during the game and do whatever it takes to win.
"There's been many occasions where we have had our backs to the wall and people have doubted us but as a player we never doubt ourselves.

"We go into every game believing we can win it and do everything that's possible on the night.
"Thursday can't come quick enough. We can't wait for it."

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